Guitar Duo Eclectico

About Steve Mazurowski...

  sm.jpg   Steve Mazurowski began playing the guitar in 1986 at the age of fifteen after being inspired by the classic rock sounds of Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd. His first rock band, "Compromize," was your basic garage band that played classic rock and whatever was "hip and happening" at the time. Other groups that Steve has performed with have included the rock band "Denizen" and jazz groups "The One A.M. Quartet" and "Blue Planet."

Over the years Steve developed an interest in many styles of music, one of them being classical, which he studied under Doug Anderson while earning his B.A. in music. Also during college and a bit beyond, he studied jazz with Frank Dawson and Jack Cecchini. One of his most important teachers, though, has been his record/tape/CD collection.

Steve's influences are numerous and range from Pink Floyd to Joe Satriani to the Police to Bach to Miles Davis to pretty much anything that he has ever listened to and liked.

On GDE gigs Steve uses stock Takamine classical guitars. On gigs requiring electric guitar, he plugs in either a 1988 Gibson SG or 1989 Ibanez Sabre. He also uses a Boss Effects unit and a Roland Jazz Chorus 120 Amplifier.
  In addition to playing with the Duo, Steve does your typical freelance gigs-solo background music, weddings, dance band substituting, church jobs, etc.

Steve's musical goals include continuing to have a blast with the Duo, continuing to grow and develop as a musician, to be the best teacher he can be for his students, and continuing to earn a living in this "crazy field of music."
  Other odds and ends: Steve is the private guitar instructor at Maine East, South, and West High Schools in the Chicago area as well as North Park University; he teaches around thirty students a week. He currently lives in Chicago and is married to his college sweetheart, Nancy, who is also a musician (vocalist), and has a Web page of her very own. Click here to go to Nancy's page.

Finally, Steve would like to thank friends, family, teachers, students, everybody, for their support!

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