

All original music begins in the mind of the musician. When it comes pouring out, note by note, the listener finally gets a view of a previously private playground of melody and harmony, as well as a glimpse of something of the spirit of the composer. This latest CD by guitarist George Sawyn, aptly named MyTunes, opens up his musical world that is both fun and reflective, with the layers of acoustic guitar sound all played by George himself.

Lloyd's Fandango, full of fast-paced joy, takes you musically to the edge of a precipice, holds you there with suspended breath, then tumbles you into a free-fall of whirling, dancing sound. In contrast, Soul Search, the shortest piece on the list, is a quieter journey inward that plucks at spaces in the heart not normally examined. The journey, it implies, is never quite finished.

Then there's rollicking, celebratory Sam and Mahoney, where laughter seems to hang from each phrase. Simple Folk feels like a personal philosophy, while South Wabash hints at George's Chicago connection. Blues for the Little Guy is tender enough to rouse suspicions that this is a personal tribute to someone special.

Sometimes blues, sometimes jazz, MyTunes is always great guitar, and pure George Sawyn.

The MyTunes CD is out of print, so

it is only available as an MP3 Download for $9.00.

If you wish to purchase the MyTunes MP3 files,

please EMAIL ME, and I will send you payment instructions.


All titles composed by George Sawyn

Click on any title to hear a sample