

Relax is a softly plucked declaration of independence from frenzy, from hectic activity, from too many demands and too little time. Listening to the gentle tunes might encourage you to read a poem, or watch a sunrise; to give a silent hug to someone near and dear; to listen to the soft sounds that might otherwise go unnoticed.

Seven of the 10 selections in George’s Relax CD are his own, using electric guitars, acoustic guitars and synthesizers. There’s New Old Friends, a celebration of the instant friendship that springs up in when kindred souls recognize each other; Aloha Cookies, made with “tasty fun and bouncy, happy and silly ingredients”; and Jewels in the Heavens, a musical portrayal of the wonder of the night skies.

The best part of Relax is the guitar playing itself, evocative, persuasive, a love affair with strings that dances to tunes heard first in the heart of George himself on the days when he, too, has needed to Relax.

Relax is available on CD or as an MP3 Download.

To buy the CD direct from Music By George via PayPal, just click the Add To Cart button. The price is $18.00 and includes First Class Shipping. You will be taken to PayPal to select a quantity, make your payment, and provide your shipping information. If you purchase more than one CD, I will adjust and refund excess shipping charges.

If you prefer not to do an online payment, a check in the mail is just fine; just EMAIL ME, and let me know which CD you want and how many; I will adjust the shipping charges and inform you of the total.

If you prefer to download, Relax is also

available to download for $9.59 at CD Baby,

or 99¢ each for individual songs.


to download Relax

from CD Baby


All titles composed by George Sawyn

except *

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